An intriguing three-piece band from Philadelphia made their presence well known at Mill City Nights on Sunday. Ecstatic Vision performed a classic set that drove home the real meaning of Psychedelic Rock. Not without an affable sense of humor, tall frontman Doug Sabolik shredded his guitar, making it truly “cry and sing,” to reference a line from Dire Straits “Sultans of Swing.” Dipping the neck of his guitar to strike a set of chimes now and again, he even pulled out a box-like instrument called a “melodica,” much to the delight of the crowd. Ecstatic Vision’s brand of primal Psychedelic Rock, in fact, more than delighted a psyched out audience whose applause only increased after every song. With long jam sessions reminiscent of Echoes era Pink Floyd crashing into a Cliff Burton bass solo, the glowing array of decorative lights ringing the drum kit added to the band’s atmosphere. Masters of the performance who drove it home with every song.
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