Note from the editor: We are used to short notices in this business. There are a lot of moving parts that need to come together for the press approval process and final say often lies with the tour manager at sound check. From there word needs to trickle back to the PR rep, the media outlet, and finally the team covering a show. So when we found it we were approved to cover Sunday’s 93x Nutcracker show it was a generous 10 minutes before the first band was set to take the stage. Needless to say, a mad scramble ensued. Our photographer made it in time for Biffy Cyro. Our writer on the other hand………………….
At 7:30pm I found out I was in. Into Queens of the Stone Age. This band to me has this edge. An edge that makes them seem like one of the last of a dying breed of rocker, like the Rolling Stones, The Kinks, or The Who. The type of band that doesn’t care, that will say whatever, whenever, one that makes smoking and drinking look cool, but most importantly they rock out just as hard or more than any other band. My problem? I was at work but I was almost done…………
Finally at 8:30 I was out, I got in my car and got to the Palace Theater as fast as I could. As I got through the doors I heard the crowd roar. Queens of the Stone Age were on. The band opened their set up with “Regular John”. As the floor moshed with excitement throughout the song, it only got more intense when they hit their second song “No One Knows”. That band could play that song on toy instruments and I don’t think it would make a difference how intense and crazy it is. After their third song “Feet Don’t Fail Me” Josh Homme talked to the crowd “I swear I just here just like two weeks ago.” Then followed that up with “So is this a radio show? Who the F*** cares?” A dagger in the heart of anyone who says Homme is not a part of the old rocker breed.
Queens of the Stone Age played a 15 song set, 6 songs shorter than the one they did at The Roy Wilkins Auditorium on Oct. 14th of this year. However, this show was way more intense, better sound and had a more personable Homme on stage. They closed out their set with “Go With The Flow” and didn’t get to come back on for an encore. The crowd still stayed around five minutes after the lights and stage back drop came up cheering and screaming for Queens of the Stone Age, not trying not to lose hope that the show was. However, I can’t express how incredible this band is live, your attention never dwindles and they always leave you wanting more and full of adrenaline.
Editors Note: I asked our photographer about Biffy Clyro’s set and the response was so perfect, we’ll leave it as is “Definitely hard rockin’ shirtless bros from Scotland. Very fun, seemed genuinely excited to be opening for Queens. Seem like cool guys to toss a pint with.”
QOTSA were AMAZING!! Great show. But why was Josh so upset with 93 X? Clearly something set him off and he was NOT happy with them! Does anyone know what happened?? I think that is why they didn’t come back for any encore!!