Don’t Miss Tegan & Sara 9/12 at First Avenue


Tegan & Sara will be bringing their ‘Crybaby Tour 2023’ to the First Avenue Mainroom on September 12th and you don’t want to miss it!

Tegan and Sara are still evolving the way they collaborate, even twenty years into recording together and twenty more as twin sisters. For their tenth studio album, Crybaby, they got inside each other’s songs in a whole new way. “This was the first time where, while we were still drafting our demos, we were thinking about how the songs were going to work together,” says Tegan. “It wasn’t even just that Sara was making lyric changes or reorganizing the parts to my songs, it was that she was also saying to me, ‘This song is going to be faster,’ or ‘It’s going to be in a different key.’ But Sara effectively improves everything of mine that she works on.” Sara adds, with a laugh: “Maybe I am the renovator. I’m the house-flipper of the Tegan and Sara band,”

The twins say they’ve begun to feel a renewed sense of intensity around all of their creative projects, whether the upcoming album or the TV show or various other endeavors they’ve undertaken. “With everything we’re doing now, there’s a passion and urgency that I haven’t felt in a long time,” Sara says. “I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I’m very rested for once, and during a lot of the last decade, Tegan and I were really running on empty. And so right now everything feels really big and exciting and energetic. And I love the new album for that reason – it doesn’t feel introspective, there’s an activeness to it, and it feels like it needs to live in the world.”

“We dismantled the way we do things, and put ourselves in this place where we’re uncomfortable,” says Tegan. “And that makes good things happen, creatively. At this point in our career, we are so deep into our strength and our confidence that we were just like, we can fucking destroy absolutely everything because we know that we can rebuild. I think that’s a theme of our band. We never play it safe. We’re dismantlers. And I think this album is us power-tripping on the fact that we just lit fire to everything.”

Carlie Hanson will be opening up the show. As far as rising music artists go, Carlie Hanson is a phenom; her second single ever, the self-released “Only One,” has amassed a staggering 55 million streams (and climbing). That buzz alone secured her a supporting spot on the tours of Troye Sivan and Yungblud, and ultimately a record deal with Warner Records.

Tickets are still available HERE!
