Boiled in Lead will play The Cedar Cultural Center on 3/16


Since their start in 1983 Minneapolis’ Boiled in Lead have won a number of Minnesota Music Award and played throug the US and Europe. They are returning to the Cedar Cultural Center on Thursday 3/16 to celebrate their 34th anniversary (and probably an early St. Patricks). Tickets are still available HERE

For 2016, core members Todd Menton, David Stenshoel and Drew Miller move forward as a quartet, adding drummer and multi-ethnic percussionist Michael Bissonette to the lineup. Michael has a wide musical vocabulary, and is heard around the Twin Cities with artists such as Katie McMahon, Laura MacKenzie, and Robert Everest.

Enthusiastic, powerful, technically brilliant, playing a wealth of instruments with extreme dynamics, Boiled In Lead routinely demolishes genres with its highly-identifiable sound. An Onion A&E quote describes the band’s approach well: “…the prime purveyor of a style of Celtic music infused with punk-rock attitude, developing over the years with a hard-driving swirl that combined Irish folk with heavy rock and elements of styles from all over the world. …one of the best bands Minnesota’s ever produced. …even without amplification, Boiled In Lead can summon up furious punk-folk energy.”
