Vinyl Theatre, Versperteen, Whosah, Garage, Burnsville, Concert, Review, Show, Live
After riding out a long Easter weekend in the restaurant, I was eager to spend my free time photography a show out at The Garage. I arrived a half hour early happy to find a short wait outside. With the colder weather I was ready to get inside. Compared to the last sold out show I photographed there I was excited to have a little walking room in the main room.
As everyone was settling into their place, Whosah was wrapping up their soundcheck giving us just a taste of what was to come. Whosah walked on stage and I instantly knew these guys would make a wonderful addition to my “Minnesota Gems” playlist. The Minneapolis based band engulfed the audience with their synth-pop sound and glowing personalities. The five-piece band considered that this would be a first listen for many of the audience members and chose to cover a classic. After the first two telltale chords of All Star by Smash Mouth the crowd grew with excitement, “Made famous by a big green dude,” as they put it. Glancing around, I could not find one person who wasn’t dancing along with lead vocalist, Spencer Grimes.
Next up for the night was Versperteen. After a quick set change, the curtain rose to reveal a glowing drum set. From where I stood, I watched the faces of two ladies in the front as Colling Rigsby took to the stage. The two wore Versperteen baseball hats from a previous tour, which Collin noticed right away. The drummer had an electric energy about him as he banged on his kit and sung his heart out. With each song the level of energy and excitement grew. Versperteen has a way of getting the crowd going in waves of arms in the air. A definite must see if you get the chance you won’t be disappointed.
Vinyl Theatre, the big cheese of the night, took the stage next after a short intermission. Right away I was intrigued by the piano keyboard off to the side and to see what would come next. The dynamic of the room instantly changed to a more comfortable feeling of being old friends. The crowd started to dance as one unit to the beat of the drums. Everyone in the room that night was there for Vinyl Theatre. Listening to everyone sing along with Keegan as he played his guitar. Playing a handful of songs from their EPs “Electrogram” and their sophomore album “Origami”, Vinyl Theatre left everyone wanting more.
To end the night each band came out to chat and take pictures with their fans. Small venues like this will always be my favorite shows. They allow a kind of connection with the artist that larger venues don’t.