The free spirited Indie Rock band Valaska performed at The Cabooze for their CD Release Party. Their new album Thing has recently hit the streets with very solid response from fans and reviewers. Thing is a low-key album, very ambient, and often with a truly cinematic feel. The laid-back opening track “Espejismo” makes one want to get outside and wander or even venture through the mountains. There’s something relaxing and free-spirited about the albums sound.
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So how does this translate live? The lyrical craftsmanship of Dave Valdez is very powerful and brilliant. As the lights dimmed at The Cabooze, I was really expecting a soft, almost uber chill performance. The performance was anything but sleepy and far from chill. With a rich mix of songs from their previous album Natural Habitat and the new album Thing, the set started at a relaxing pace, but then took a hard turn to finish on a high-energy stand. Overall Valaska provided onlookers an impressive collection of songs that reflect their well crafted pairing of poetry and solid musical talent along with a very captivating performance.
After the performance, I sat down with Valaska and talked about the new album and tour plans. Here is the video:
Valaska can be found online at: