A classic show for a classic group. Heiruspecs are back at it again this holiday season with Lady Midnight and DJ Adrian Perryman. December 22nd is deemed Heiruspecs Day in Saint Paul. What better way to celebrate than heading over to the Turf Club to indulge in a little hip-hop for the soul?
Personally, these guys are one of my favorite local acts. Maybe I am a little bias seeing as I am a Saint Paul native. Heiruspecs was formed in 1997 when the group met at Central Highschool in Saint Paul. Ever since then they have been delivering soulful lyrics and amazing musicianship. They always deliver a passionate performance with lyrism, jazzy hip-hop beats and a full band back it all up. Sound like your kind of scene? Mine too. You can grab your tickets in advance for $12 bucks or $15 at the door. Pick up your tickets here. Don’t forget, doors open at 7:30.