It’s been a few years since Minneapolis has seen Norwegian pop singer Sigrid play a show here. After a long awaited return, she was back playing the mainroom in First Avenue Thursday night in a place she said “feels like home.” From playing the Fine Line last time she was in town, Sigrid seamlessly transitioned to First Ave’s larger stage, and a much larger room of fans. On tour for her second album, How to Let Go, everyone in the crowd was able to let go of anything happening outside the venue and just enjoy the music.
Before Sigrid took the stage, Minneapolis native Ber came out to play to a crowd of hometown friends, family, and new fans. It was definitely an exciting night for Ber and many people came out to see her play one of the most iconic venues in Minneapolis. She was beaming the entire time on stage and played fantastically through all her songs, both released and unreleased. Adding to the extra special performance, it was also the one year anniversary of her song “Meant to Be” which has over 50 million streams on Spotify and majorly impacted her career. As a fellow Minnesotan, we will definitely be seeing much more of Ber and can’t wait to watch her career continue to take off.
Next it was time for Sigrid. The whole crowd was buzzing with excitement and the energy in the room was all positive vibes. Opening with “It Gets Dark” – the first song on her second album, the crowd sang along loudly and Sigrid was all smiles. Everytime she performs, there is a great amount of energy she gives off and it never fades throughout the entire show. This time was no different and the crowd matched her energy throughout.Early into the set, Sigrid stopped for a bit to chat with the audience. She told the crowd that the band had been on tour for a bit now and this is the first place that had really felt close to home – which is no surprise in a place where so many people claim Scandinavian and Norwegian descent. She mentioned that Ber told her and her band to check out Norway House in South Minneapolis and they went and were treated to tons of Norwegian food, snacks and even a care package. It’s no doubt she felt a connection to Minneapolis and her fans felt a closer connection to her.
Everyone in the crowd spent the night dancing and singing along without a care in the world. She manages to radiate her positive energy onto everyone who sees her perform and hear her music.