Things got heavy at the Varsity Theater Monday night. Progressive Metal Band Periphery brought their Sonic Unrest tour to town and brought with them on a band that they list as one of their influences SikTH.
Starting the evening was Toothgrinder, a New Jersey band composed of Justin Matthews, Wills Weller, Jason Goss and Matt Arensdorf. The Band release their first full length album “Nocturnal Masquerade” this year. Their set was high speed and their energy got the crowd moving.
San Diego’s Chon changed the pace quite a bit. After their first song they introduce themsevles with the phrase “We’re just gonna jam for a long time” and judging by the “F… Yeah” shouts from the crowd, that was alright with their fans. Their pace was more relaxed and for their last song, they asked the audience (tongue in cheek) to form a mosh pit.
Set List: Bubble / Dew / Fluffy / Book / Thousand Miles-Suda / Story / Fall / Splash / Puddle / Perfect
The British band SikTH has been around since the early 2000s and after a hiatus reunited in 2014. This is their first tour of the US promoting their new album “Death of a Dead Day”. A few weeks ago long time singer Justin Hill was replaced by Joe Rosser. If there was any disruption in chemistry, it was not visible from where I stood. Mikee Goodman and Hill worked quite well together. The drum set was quite impressive. The band was clearly enjoying being back on the road.
Set List: Philistine Philosophies / Part of the Friction / HMF / Scent / Flogging / When will the Forest / Wait for Something / Pussyfoot / Skies / Sanguine / Bland Street
With a new album “Periphery III: Select Difficulty” just out Washington, DC’s Periphery took the stage to the screams of their fans. Armed with 3 guitars, 3 platforms and more energy than a kindergarten class on Red Bull they took their fans for a wild ride.
Set List: Scarlet / Luck as a Constant / The Way the News Goes… / Marigold / Remain Indoors / The Bad Thing / Flatline / Memento / Make Total Destroy / The Price Is Wrong Encore: Four Lights / Stranger Things / Lune