Mill City Fights Hits The Mat Hard At Mill City Nights


If you’ve ever been to an independent pro wrestling show (independent = basically any wrestling show that isn’t WWE, where you can get drunk for much cheaper), then you know what a blast they are. And if you’ve never been to one, you missed a match up above all match-ups on Saturday night.

Mill City Nights was the place to be for the Pabst Blue Ribbon and F1RST Wrestling sponsored Mill City Fights. This bone-splitting, face-smashing, spandex-wearing wrestlers with well known names like Arik “The Anarchist” Cannon, Wrestlepalooza Champion Sheik Arya Daivari, Tag Team Champions The North Star Express, Heidi Lovelace, Veda Scott, Jervis Cottonbelly, The Crime Fighting Feline Wildcat, Super ThunderFrog , “The King Of Throwdown” Venom, Deputy Rob Justice, Mat Fitchett & Davey Vega, The Hooligans, “The Husky Heartthrob” Kody Rice, and Eugene along with a special appearance and utter throwdown by WWE Superstar & ECW Original, Tommy Dreamer. The night was hugely action packed with many of the matches occurring outside the ring.

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