Sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone and try something complete different. I’m not just talking about going to a show of a genre you know nothing about or an artist you’ve never heard of, I really mean trying something different. Even though I didn’t quite know what to expect and definitely felt in a bit over my head, I was excited as I found my seat in the beautiful theatre and waited for Eddie Izzard to take the stage.
Writing about comedy is weird. You can’t write about the specific jokes because you can’t give them away for anyone who may be seeing a date later on on a tour. Honestly that’s the main reason I don’t cover more comedy than I do. I just don’t know how to write about it in a professional manner so please bear with my while I stumble through this and even if you don’t understand anything I’m saying or if you feel like it wasn’t a good show, believe me, it was and if you ever get the chance to see Eddie Izzard perform live you need to take it.
Even if the name doesn’t sound familiar, I’d be willing to bet you’d know who Eddie Izzard is if you saw him. Everyone’s favorite English “straight transvestite”, the second the iconic man took the stage the nearly sold out audience broke into a roar of applause that was worthy of a king. The excitement in the audience was palpable and although the applause quickly seized to make room for Eddie and his comedy, there were plenty of other moments through the two hour performance that had the audience roaring in applause and laughter.
Eddie’s comic style is definitely “Stream of consciousness” and that was the main theme of last night’s performance. He seriously talking about everything from the big bang to spinach to a made up history of kings. At times it was super hard to follow what he was saying and some of it was surely over my head when it came to the history portion of the night but it was still absolutely hilarious due to his delivery of the jokes. He didn’t just stand there spouting his jokes, he acted them out complete with sound effects throughout the night. There were honestly times where I think the rest of the crowd was laughing at his jokes but I was more laughing at his little quips he was throwing in there as far as sound effects were concerned.
There’s a certain presence that Eddie brought to the stage. It wasn’t just his ridiculously sexy legs (seriously, this dude has some of the best legs I’ve ever seen– probably something to do with all of the marathons he has done and the sea swimming he has been training for) but there is just something truly magical about his presence. Clearly a complete rockstar and a filmography to back it, there was still something very genuine and real life about the larger than life figure that was infectious. He entertained some of the shouts coming from the crowd by responding to some of them after a quick intermission which just added a sense of realness to him and his act.
Quirky would be the best way to describe Eddie and his show. From a short blue plaid skirt paired with a motorcycle jacket and black shirt to his final ensemble of short black shorts and a blazer, Eddie made it clear that he is going to be him and you can love it or hate it but it is what is. That’s something that I absolutely adore about this man and being able to see that sense of personality and confidence in a live setting made my heart so full. He didn’t talk about it but he didn’t have to. He’s an advocate for staying true to yourself and is proof that if you do just that, you will have a chance in this world.
Another thing he’s clearly an advocate for is just being nice to people. It was a resounding theme of the night. We are all on this planet for a reason (or not) and the only thing we can do to make this life last is just be kind and accepting of everyone and everything. It’s something that seems to obvious but also something that is nice to get a reminder of every once in awhile.
There was no mosh pit, no sloshing drinks, and no cups being thrown into the air but last night was still full of excitement and a night that will not soon be forgotten by anyone who was there. If you’ve made it this far in my ramblings, I hope that means I somehow pulled this article off in which case I definitely plan on going to more comedy shows. It’s something completely different from a live concert but it still gives you a feeling of energy and life.